- Joanne Gar\gulkpuy
- Galiwin’ku resident
Early Childhood Teacher
Employed as a Yol\u Teacher at Sheperdson College Galiwin'ku
until 2001
Currently undertaking Diploma of Educational Management.
2001 Supervisor Yalu' Mar\githinyaraw project
Chief Investigator CRCATH Funded Project 'Yol\u
Theories of Transformation: The Yalu' Story'
Associate Investigator : Psychosocial Impact Indicators
SCRIF Funded Project
Driving force of the research arm of the Yalu' Mar\githinyaraw
Instrumental in developing Yothu Yindi school
curriculum for local primary school
- Collaborations with CRC
for Aboriginal and Tropical Health; Menzies School
of Health research; Northern
Territory University (Faculty of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Studies);
- Key Women’s
contact for NT Library Services
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