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Twenty videos have now been completed by the Project Team and those that were completed recently are being uploaded to the website and You Tube. The videos are also available on DVD from the Yalu Marŋgithinyaraw (email the Project Co-ordinator Rosemary Gundjarranbuy

Visit the Yalu Marŋgithinyaraw YouTube channel to view all our videos

Yalu Marŋgithinyaraw - Other health resources: Yolŋu Medicine

Guyupulyu ga dhäwu ḻakaram Yolŋuw mirrtjin mala – a story about Yolŋu medicine

Guyupul who is a healthworker, educator and expert on Yolŋu traditional medicines describes some Yolŋu treatments for chronic disease. Yolŋu language – no subtitles